Wednesday, September 5, 2012

To My Son Of My Right Hand

I am who you wish you were or were not,

 where you were when you were not,

 and what you were not when I was.

What is the average life span of a child? It is nonexistent. The word child is just a classification to refrain one's self from reaching their full potential. What is pain? Pain is what could have went right, always went wrong but heals to become better then intended. How are you biding your time? I am playing their game to my full potential. Watch it's eye move side to side. Now fear mine because I have something to lose. 

Mr.Good said, "It is bad to be a writer. All you have is a permanent record of your own idiocy."  


    This past quarter has been very exciting. Work is coming along great, Gunnhild and I pressed hard to put together a nice place to live, and now the new addition has finally arrived. Times are not always peaches on a summer's day. Arguing is like being cut. Hurts at first but then in time it heals. Its not easy picking up and leaving what you know. Only to immerse your self into a land of questions. Questions that are difficult to answer where you were. That are now being misinterpreted by a foreign tongue. Thankfully, the mind is a wonderful possession. 

    To the people that told me, "Wait till you have a child of your own." I'm still waiting. To everyone that was with me along the way. The times we had are never to be forgotten. To the everyone that is stuck in a judgemental mindset. Enjoy the rest of your life. To the people that have fallen. You know how to get back up. To the ones that got up. I will see you at the top. To P2 and DFA. I will never forget the good times had. To all my boys in Uplands. There is always a way out. To my friends from Brookfield. You guys ,in a sense, made me strive to be a better person. To my younger brothers. Take your time. Don't rush into things. I'm sorry for not being when I could or when I could not. To my mother and father. Where there is a pro there is a con. I will always have love for you both. To Gunnhild Davidsen. You were and are always there for me. Your unconditional love is both scary at times but reassuring forever. Jeg elsker deg. To my son of my right hand. It is time for us to see where the road takes us. To everyone else. I care for you as much as you care for me. Life journeys are a wonderful thing. 

Take care my world,



     In the words of Chris Rock. "A nigga will brag about some shit a normal man just does. A nigga will say some shit like, I take care of 
my kidsYou're supposed to, you dumb motherfucker!"

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